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How to Improve Prospective Students Engagement through Library Mobile App


August 12, 2021 | 5 min read |

Matthew Sherlock, Director of Product Strategy, Ex Libris Student Digital Solutions


Universities, and especially institutions that recruit internationally, experienced a major enrolment slump during the Covid-19 pandemic. While it is heartening to see that the demand for higher education has started to recover in many countries, university admission offices are still figuring out how to demonstrate ROI and attract new students.


Amid continuing uncertainties about what the next semester will look like, clear university messaging will be a differentiator for new prospects as well as for students have already deferred or dropped out mid-semester and are re-evaluating what they want out of their university experience.


Levelling Up to Reach User Expectations for Mobile


University marcom as a competitive advantage in higher education recruitment is hardly a new concept. Unlike existing students, prospects cannot rely on their own lived experiences of the university to determine whether they’re satisfied with the institution. Instead, they rely on stories to determine whether a university is the right choice for them: stories from friends that attend the institutions, stories told through online reviews on social media, and the stories told by the institution itself through snail mail, emails, social media platforms and phone calls.

After a year and a half of university age students spending more time online, however, the challenge for universities is not just to tell the compelling stories about what students can expect to accomplish at the institution but to do it for an increasingly digital audience:


  • Personalization
  • Localization
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics, and
  • Behavioural Science

are all impacting what messages work and in what format.


University Recruitment in the Next Normal: Communication Challenges


As we look to the next hybrid recruitment cycle, the messaging challenges that higher education institutions need to address will be a mix of new (post-pandemic) and old:

  • Delivering targeted communications and engagement pathways that are tailored for the digital-first prospect.
  • Understand and act on prospect engagement throughout their journey to join
  • Ensure clarity of and confidence in the health and safety of the institution’s student community
  • Deliver proactive engagement to highlight institutional strengths and differentiators
  • Ensure the smoothest transition for prospect, to applicant, to joiner, to belonging



Wooing Prospects from a Distance is a Technology Issue


As a technology evangelist, I look to hardware and software to solve for emerging communication challenges in higher education.

Certainly, technology lends itself well to determining trends and patterns in market data, in prospect sentiment and engagement behavior. Getting the right message to the right ‘customer’ at the right time is also increasingly possible with the help of innovative technological tools and platforms.

However, I think that it is the blending of these capabilities – dynamic data models and real-time, personalized messaging – that will enable a personal touch and sway prospects towards institutions that take this digital leap.


Recruiting with the campusM library mobile app


At campusM, we make it easy for admissions and for other departments supporting recruitment efforts to create engaging, delightful, and valuable content. Here’s how we do it.

  • Personalized communications based on the student’s context, such as their major or hobbies, using campusM App Roles.
  • Open/visit day experiences with maps and event schedules to maximize impact of time on campus. A hyper-connected data model surfaces events data so prospects can immediately see what they have coming up on an in-person or virtual open day.
  • Direct Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration to collect prospect app usage data and enhance their experience based on the data collected.
  • Insights into prospective student sentiment and interests through campusM Quick Polls.
  • Intelligent banners and push notifications to proactively drive engagement.
  • Enterprise-level analytics offer real-time insights into prospect engagement levels and interests
  • Seamless transitions from prospect to current student experience all within the same app to provide continuity throughout the student cycle.


Does your University’s Digital Recruitment Strategy Include a library mobile app?


University admissions are in a fierce online competition. Our library mobile app platform empowers universities to reach and engage prospective students with personalized digital stories, crafted based on their individual goals and interests. Through intuitive automation, we help admissions offices save time, improve targeting, and ultimately increase application rates.



campusM is a powerful campus app that helps universities improve student engagement on a daily basis. For more information about how campusM’s student engagement software is making it simple for universities to provide outstanding mobile student experiences and services, click here.


