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Alma Library Communities Around the World: Logging in with Alma 2019


January 10, 2019 | 2 min read |

Barbara Rad-El, Ex Libris

From the time that Alma’s first customer went live in June 2012 there have been monthly Alma releases. Initially we posted seasonal pictures on the Alma login screen, but as our global spread widened, and we had our first Alma customers in the southern hemisphere, we realized that a different approach was needed.

Every year we have chosen a different theme, explored in the infographic below (or you can download it here.) In recent years, we have turned to you, our community, to choose our theme.

This year, we tried something a little different: we asked our Alma library management system community to send in pictures of their libraries or their library staff. We were overwhelmed by the positive response, and by the many, many beautiful pictures we received. An independent panel of judges had a hard time choosing the 12 pictures that will be part of our login screens for 2019.


Our first picture of the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia has already generated a number of positive comments. We learned that:

“One of the unique attractions of the University is the family of wild kangaroos that live on campus – collectively known as a ‘mob’. They absolutely delight our international students and happily laze on the lawns in front of the library.”

While we could only showcase 12 photos in our login screens, you can see many more in our new “Alma Libraries Around the World” video!

Take a look:


And for a blast from the past, check out our infographic below! (You can download it here.)

Alma Login Themes through the years